Journal Articles
Articles in Business Journals
Yaraghi, N., Ramesh, R., Kumar, G.T. "Pay, Pat, and Clawback: Incentivizing Service Providers’ Participation in On-Demand Digital Platforms", forthcoming at Management Science.
Gregory, R., Beck, R., Henfridsson, O., Yaraghi, N. "Cooperation Among Strangers: Algorithmic Enforcement of Reciprocal Exchange with Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts", forthcoming at Academy of Management Review.
Delkhosh, F., Gopal, R., Patterson, R., Yaraghi, N. "Impact of Bot Involvement in an Incentivized Blockchain-based Online Social Media Platform", Journal of Management Information Systems, 40(3): 778–806, 2023.
Goapl, R., Hidaji, H., Kutlu, S., Patterson, R., Yaraghi, N. "Law, Economics and Privacy: Implications of Government Policies on Website and Third-Party Information Sharing", Information Systems Research, 34(4):1375-1397, 2023.
Eftekhari, S., Yaraghi, N., Gopal, R., Ramesh, R. "Impact of Health Information Exchange Adoption on Referral Patterns", Management Science 69(3): 1615-1638, 2022.
Venkatesan, S, Valecha, R., Yaraghi, N., Oh, O., Rao, R. "Influence in Social Media: An Investigation of Tweets Spanning the 2011 Egyptian Social Movement", MIS Quarterly 45(3): 1679-1714, 2021.
Yaraghi, N, Gopal, R., Ramesh, R. “Doctor's Orders or Patient’s Preferences? Examining the Role of Physicians in Patients’ Privacy Decisions on Health Information Exchange Platforms”, Journal of the Association for Information Systems 20(7): 928-952, 2019.
Han, X., Yaraghi, N., Gopal, R. “Winning at All Costs: Analysis of Inflation in Nursing Homes’ Rating System", Production & Operations Management 27(2): 215-233, 2018.
Yaraghi, N., Du, A., Sharman, R., Gopal, R., Ramesh, R. “Health Information Exchange as a MultiSided Platform: Adoption, Usage and Practice Involvement in Service Co-Production”, Information Systems Research 26(1): 1–18, 2015.
Articles in Medical & Health Policy Journals
Yaraghi, N., Henfridsson, O., Gopal, R. "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Staff Turnover at Long-term Care Facilities: A Qualitative Study", BMJ Open 2022;12:e065123.
Gopal, R., Hidaji, H., Patterson, R., Yaraghi, N. "Dark Clouds and Silver Linings: Impact of COVID-19 on Internet Users’ Privacy", Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Open 4(4), 2021, 1–6
Gopal, R., Han, X., Yaraghi. N., "Compress the Curve: A Cross Sectional Study of Variations in COVID-19 Infections Across California Nursing Homes", BMJ Open 11:e042804, 2021.
Yaraghi, N., West, D,. Gopal, R., Ramesh, R. "(How) Did Attack Advertisements Increase Affordable Care Act Enrollments?", PLoS ONE, 15(2): e0228185, 2020.
Yaraghi, N., Gopal, R. “The Role of HIPAA Omnibus Rules in Reducing the Frequency of Medical Data Breaches: Insights from an Empirical Study”, The Milbank Quarterly 96(1): 144-166, 2018.
Yaraghi, N., Wang, W., Gao, G., Agarwal, R. “How Online Quality Ratings Influence Patients’ Choice of Medical Providers: A Controlled Experimental Survey Study”, Journal of Medical Internet Research 20(30): e99, 2018.
Yaraghi, N. “An Empirical Analysis of the Financial Benefits of Health Information Exchange in Emergency Departments”, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22(6): 1169–1172, 2015.
Yaraghi, N., Sharman, R., Gopal, R., Ramesh, R., Singh, R. “Drivers of Information Disclosure on Health Information Exchange Platforms: Insights from an Exploratory Empirical Study”, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22(6): 1183-1186, 2015.
Yaraghi, N., Du, A., Sharman, R., Gopal, R., Ramesh, R., Singh, R., Singh, G. “Professional and Geographical Network Effects on Healthcare Information Exchange Growth: Does Proximity Really Matter?”, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 21(4): 671–678, 2014.
Articles in Computing & Engineering Journals
Etudo, U., Whyte, C., Yoon,V., Yaraghi, N. "From Russia with Fear: Fear Appeals and the Patterns of Cyber-Enabled Influence Operations", Journal of Cybersecurity, 9(1): 1-18, 2023.
Han, X., Yaraghi, N., Gopal, R. “Catching Them Red-handed: Optimizing the Nursing Homes’ Rating System”, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 10(2): 7,2019.
Eftekhari, S., Yaraghi, N., Singh, R., Gopal, R., Ramesh, R. “Do Health Information Exchanges Deter Repetition of Medical Services?”, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 8 (1): 2, 2017.
Yaraghi, N., Tabesh, P., Guan, P., Zhuang, J. “Comparison of AHP and Monte Carlo AHP Under Different Levels of Uncertainty”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 62(1): 122–132, 2015.
Yaraghi, N., Du, A., Sharman, R., Gopal, R., Ramesh, R. “Network Effects in Health Information Exchange Growth”, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 4(1): 1, 2013.
Yaraghi, N., Langhe, R. “Critical Success Factors for Risk Management Systems”, Journal of Risk Research 14(5): 551–581, 2011.
Policy Reports
Porreca, D., Yaraghi, N. "The Impact of Population Health Analytics on Health Care Quality and Efficacy Among CPC+ Participants", Milbank Memorial Fund, October 2022.
Turner-Lee, N., Yaraghi, N, Lee, S. "The Roadmap to Telehealth Efficacy: Care, Health, and Digital Equities", The Brookings Institution, July 2022.
Yaraghi, N., Gopal, R. “How HIPAA Omnibus Rules Effectively Reduced the Number of Data Breaches Among Healthcare Providers’ Business Associates”, The Brookings Institution, March 2018.
Yaraghi, N., Ravi, S. “The Current and Future State of the Sharing Economy”, The Brookings Institution, December 2016.
Yaraghi, N., Han, X., Gopal, R. “Five-star Ratings for Sub-par Service: Evidence of Inflation in Nursing Home Ratings”, The Brookings Institution, December 2016.
Yaraghi, N. “Hackers, Phishers, and Disappearing Thumb Drives: Lessons Learned from Major Health Care Data Breaches”, The Brookings Institution, May 2016.
Yaraghi, N. “Benefits of Health Information Exchange Platforms: Measuring the Returns on a Half a Billion Dollar Investment”, The Brookings Institution, May 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “A Sustainable Business Model for Health Information Exchange Platforms: The Solution to Interoperability in Health Care IT”, The Brookings Institution, January 2015.
West, D., Yaraghi, N. “The Emerging Revolution in Healthcare”, The Brookings Institution, August 2014.
Yaraghi, N., Zizi, F., Seixas, A. "How ONC Can Strengthen Its HTI-1 Rule To Ensure Transparency, Fairness, And Equity In AI", Health Affairs Forefront, June, 2024.
Yaraghi, N. "Generative AI In Health Care: Opportunities, Challenges, And Policy", Health Affairs Forefront, January, 2024.
Yaraghi, N. "ChatGPT And Health Care: Implications For Interoperability And Fairness", Health Affairs Forefront, June 2023.
Gopal, R., Yaraghi, N. "How Political Attack Adverts Can Backfire?", The Conversation, August 2020.
Yaraghi, N. “To Foster Information Exchange, Revise HIPAA and HITECH”, Health Affairs Blog, September 17, 2017.
Yaraghi, N. “MACRA Creates More Problems Than It Solves”, Health Affairs Blog, October 12, 2016.
Yaraghi, N. “Mitigate Medical Hacks”, U.S. News & World Report, August 9, 2016.
Yaraghi, N. “Ransomware Hacks Are a Hospital Health IT Wake-Up Call”, U.S. News & World Report, April 1, 2016.
Yaraghi, N. “HHS Is Pointing Fingers Instead of Preventing Health Data Hacks“, U.S. News & World Report, March 3, 2016.
Yaraghi, N. “To Protect Patients’ Privacy, Give Them Control of Their Health Data”, U.S. News & World Report, February 12, 2016.
Yaraghi, N. “Why Doctors Still Don’t Use Text or Email With Patients”, U.S. News & World Report, November 5, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “Jeb Bush’s Health Care Plan Fills Obamacare’s Health IT Gaps”, U.S. News & World Report, October 15, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “How Yelp Could Get Patients Their Electronic Health Records”, U.S. News & World Report, September 28, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “How to Get Physicians to Adopt Electronic Health Records”, U.S. News & World Report, September 24, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “Federal Agencies Take a Political Risk Joining Yelp”, U.S. News & World Report, August 25, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “Four Things to Remember about DoD’s Health IT Overhaul”, U.S. News & World Report, August 3, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “How Meaningful Use Fails Doctors and Hospitals on Health IT”, U.S. News & World Report, July 15, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “Health IT That Works for Everyone”, U.S. News & World Report, June 30, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “Don’t Yelp Your Doctor”, U.S. News & World Report, June 12, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “Why Doctors Still Perform Unnecessary Medical Tests”, U.S. News & World Report, May 27, 2015.
Yaraghi, N. “Pharma Wants to Hide Continuing Medical Education Payments to Doctors”, U.S. News & World Report, May 11, 2015.